TGI Thurs
Well, here I am in my little office with the door closed, wolfing down my lunch, waiting for a Dyslipidemia Webcast to finally download on my computer so I can watch. I keep getting an "internal server" error. What is a Dyslipidemia Webcast, you may ask? Well, apparently it's something I will not be partaking in today. What is an Internal Server, you may ask? Fucked if I know! (so you know i definitely don't know).
To pass the time, I will give you some funny little anecdotes, or just anything I can think of.
Yesterday, an 8 year old autistic kid tore up my office and crushed his cheese-flavoured goldfish crackers all over my carpeted floor (it's the only thing he'll eat, other than Sunny-D, hence the reason for seeing a dietitian).
My hyper aerobics teacher was dancing and singing all over the class. He stopped in front of one girl and she told him she had "switched" (ie: went down to a lower weight set). He replied: "I swtiched too, about 10 years ago. I ditched the bitch and made the switch."
I have a piece of apple core wedged between 2 teeth! It's stuck there and I am without floss! Even the hairs from my head break upon impact! Oh, woe is me, how the heck am I gonna get this out???
I was MSN'ing a friend of mine in Argentina.
Me: I have a spanish question for you. If "cucaracha" is a cockroach......... then is a "cuca" a cock?
Me: Uh..... I guess not.
Then I learned that cock is "verga" or "pija" both, interestingly, are feminine nouns.
Other cool spanish words: ferrocarril (train tracks)- really roll those rrrrr's, sorprendentemente (surprisingly), lavavajillas (dishwasher). Oh the places you'll go when you have the incredibly useful Spanish vocabulary that I do.
OK webcast officially not gonna happen. Hope you pretties are having a nice day. Ellas son divinas mi chicas!!