our 5 cents
Monday, June 05, 2006
  WWA* a well as a continuation of overhead at the Hick-Cuddles Household
*Working with acronyms

Cuddles has been sick for nearly a week now, IYCBI*
I feel sorry for him, so I cleaned, made him tea, went grocery shopping, basically, IWAS**.
I bought him all kinds of good, healthy foods as he sat and watched The Fight Network, or as I like to call it MWNNC***.
He’s also quitting smoking at the same time, so while he sick, he’s also screaming FU at the TV and SU at me. Though this sounds funny on OFC, IRLº, it is not, IYKWIM.

I bought him this great soy/granola mix thing for a snack, to tide him over during the CFH†, which he liked, TTL^. This mix is meant to be MIXED (not an acronym) with other things, such as raisins, as it is a delicious, yet high-fat treat for GBWDS®

This morning, despite the 3,004 other cereal options available to him, he chose to use a base of flakes (NFHH!¥) atop which he placed a hefty helping of, yes, the SNACK ITEM (not an acronym).

“That’s Not Cereal!” I yelled
“I can’t tell what is and what isn’t!” He yelled back.
“Cereal comes in cereal boxes!” screamed I
“I like granola-y things!” hollered Cuddles
“Well then eat the GRANOLA (not an acronym)!” wow, we tell a lot
“I didn’t see any!” He projected
“It’s in the box with a picture of GRANOLA (not an acronym) on the box!”
"oh, well I didn't see it".


*If You Can Believe It
**I Was A Slave
***Men With No Necks Channel
º In Real Life (remember this one, I may use it again one day)
† Cravings From Hell
^ Thank The Lord
® Good Boys Who Don’t Smoke
¥ Not From His Head
**** Someone Please Help Me, I Beg of You
it was my pleasure to allow this post to enable me to PIMP*. Thank you for the honour.
in the overheard category, had you all been at my house 20 minutes ago you would have heard issuances of "INAHG**" and "WYDTCOIID***" spewing forth from the toungue of the c.
The first was in reference to the leftovers i was making sure to save for his healthy lunches, the latter to the lenghth of time (and the lack of knowledge on the c's part that such a lenghth was needed) to cook brown rice, and that IITWTFL****, because IAH*****!

*pee in my pants
** i'm not a human garborator
*** well you didn't take care of it, i did.
**** it is taking way too fucking long
***** i am hungry!
I can't express more, how happy I am that PIMP can stand for Pee In My Pants.

I will henseforth and furthermore use this acronym to describe said action in said undergarments.

Hip hip hoorah!
I wholeheartedly agree with spectacular use of the acronym PIMP.

Hickteeth, I truly enjoyed this post and hope your LWS* more and more as the weeks of cohabitation unfold.

If you want a snippet of life at the Ms household, it is as follows... I get home late most nights because of my FNTGIS** and Last night I TKMO*** with an intense cardio class THEN a yoga class. When I finally got home, my cats were MTFHO**** and my SWEIWIH*****.

Due to getting home after 9PM, there was really nothing to do but OCMBC****** and watch TMCS******* before HTSAA********

And you say your lives are boring??!!!??!?!?!

* Loins Will Spew
**Frantic Need To Get in SHape
*** TOtally Knocked Myself Out
**** Meowing Their Fucking Heads Off
***** Stomach was eating itself with intense hunger
****** Obsessively check my blog comments
*******TMCS Too many crappy sitcoms
******** Hitting the sack alone again

*You guys are too much

*i never said my life was boring...

* Sorry, that was Hickteeth

*True, I did say that.
**I don't always feel that way, but on occaision, when there is no one around, and I am all by myself, for days on end, I do.
Also - I cannot comprehend the "do 2 classes in a row" types! You guys are either
a) clinically insane
2) not doing a class that is hard enough (after my yoga classes I can barely walk sometimes)
III) WAY WAY more fit than me
d) "enjoying the show" - i.e., the cute guy taking the class with you perhaps?
HH!* WWYHTSDA**? NIFSFU*** IOM**** IWOA***** BIHNBTD******* GI********? NWTOFS*********? MLS*********, EWIDS**********. WIS***********

* Hola Hickteeth!
**Why would you have to spend days alone
***Now I feel sorry for you
****Instead of Myself
*****I work out alot
******Because I have nothing better to do
*******Get it
******** Now who's the one feeling sorry?
*********My life sucks
**********Except when it doesn't suck
***********Which is sometimes
S, BWCYD? IK! CVM!!!***

*Ms. Ms, there's no way your life sucks, I reaad about it all the time, and it doesn't.
**Yes, I've been spending alot of time alone, as Cuddles comes home at 3 or 4 AM these days.
***Sucks, but what can you do? I know! come visit me!!!
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* Hickteeth, I wish I could, but I am cooped up here in Toronto, with too much work to do! Did you know I left work at 8:30PM last Friday?? Now it's past 5PM and i'm STILL HERE!!! Fuck, Man! If work eases up, I am due for a long vacation, that's for sure!! I look forward to seeing you in a few weeks though.
Y*, OK.
C U T**

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hey ms. ms.
things overheard on the streets of NY
The Worst Thing I've Ever Done
"I can tell I'm sick from the smell of my farts"
Maimed and Mutilated
Picky Eaters Can go Pick Somewhere Else!
Where've I Been?
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