our 5 cents
Thursday, April 27, 2006
for the love of the most hilarious holy things:
i just noticed that on hick's post of a few days past she referred to herself as "hickatron."
man i can't stop laughing!
(why did i not notice this hilarity sooner? i can't take it. i have just peed my pants.)
that is hilarious! and i didn't notice it either!!??

Hickteeth lends itself to many funny versions. I challenge you, in the next week of blogging, to use a different name for Hickteeth every time.

1-2-3... GO!!
Hickteroo says " what a crazy challenge" - and one that I'm up for!

I am also v. surprised that no one noticed, nor did they ask about the "activated charcoal" that I was told to swallow.
yeah, i wondered about that.
do tell, Hicksmith McGee!!
also enjoyed the use of "hicktooth".
man this is hickmania!
I don't rememba using hicktooth, though it is funny.

the activated charcoal was taken in the case of mistakingly swallowing or inhaling the mercury from the removed filling. Charcoal cleans out your system all nice and good.

(BTW charcoal is what brita filters are made of, along with many other filters).

There, Professor Smarty MiggibHick teaches you something new.
Activated Charcoal? Fascinating!

I am the one who used Hicktooth, I think, when I asked you if you were OK from the dentist, I said: "How's your Hicktooth?". I said the funniest thing...!! ho ho ho.

I have lots to do at work but am still a little blogcessed so keep em comments coming... OK, OOTG? OK, Smack-Bottom McHick??
...how did you find out about smack-bottom Ms Ms?...

My McHickyMcTootherson is just fine, thanks for asking.

Hickles Hickzpatrick
hey hickalicadingdong,
i left you a message last night inviting you and cuddles for dinner tonight. did you not receive said message? are you coming? i need to prepare for the masses if you are!
will there be brownies?


Oh man, the fun never stops when you have a friend like Sir-Hix-A-Lot.
On what phone?
I most certainly did NOT get that message, not on the cell, not on the reg phone.
NEways, cuddles was working late as us.

I told you you need to give him like a week notice.


(BTW - I heart the name Sir-Hix-A-Lot)
I know I'm late - must be the time zone difference but I just wanted to put my "one cent" in the Hickapotomus conversation and to tell you that now I want some Brownies.

mmmmm brownies. Hickalicious better stop talkign about them or figure out a way to mail me some!

Oooh - there is a good challenge for the "how many edible things can we send in the mail" contest.

OOTG get baking! HickoryDickory get stamp licking!
"Kugey"... don't count on Hickasaurus Rex to bake drool-worthy brownies (no offence Lickbeef). From what I remember from living with her, her cooking was at times questionable. Though she makes a mean risotto!!

HAHA, just kidding Honey Bunches of Tooth, I'm kidding....
my word verification was


what does that sound like to you??
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You are SO DEAD Ms.RudeMouth.

My cooking was not "questionable". It was downright awful! But that's not for you to post for all to see!

But now it has much much improved and I'll tell you this much : I'd eat my brownines anyday.
So screw y'all!

Hicky Crocket, Queen of the wild tooth-tier
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Ode to Tom
Ode to OOTG
Sunshiney Day
i think this deserves an entry of its own
No Nuts on the Plane
Issue with OOTG
i figured i would write a post instead of just com...
Split Me Trousers!
Are those Brownies?

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