our 5 cents
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
  The Weirdness-Tag
Well MsMs,

You asked for it you got it - Toyota!
I am not sure if I can get up to 6 weird things, after all - I'm not weird! But here are a few :

1. There are some things in this beautiful and strange world of ours that can make me laugh until it hurts, so much that I actually cry like a banchee watching "Beaches". These things do not always make other people laugh.
Example 1 : the food item "Trifle". I disgusting concoction consisting of some kind of pudding like substance, whipped cream, random other things and often floating pieces of fruit, like marachino cherries. It's an undigestable mish-mash of revolt to me, and one that can send me into convulsions of laughter. It's a delicious dessert to others.
Example 2 : Hickteeth. Yes, the very thing from which my blog name has stemmed. I wore those mofos around for a full month; into bars, while chatting with friends. My boyfriend at that time (let's call him "The Back") almost broke up with me over it.

2. My weirdness about buying clothes... It starts with me thinking that I have nothing interesting or different to wear and ends up with me buying clothes that I like, and which inevitably are similar to the clothes I already own. The middle part involves obsessing about how much money I can actually spend, worrying that I own something too similar to what I am about to buy and thinking about the item I did not buy for days, until I finally just buy it!

3. The way I eat. I will not go into this one, because truthfully you all know about it more than me. I don't even notice that I eat weird! I really don't - just you all have told me so many times I must assume it's true. The one thing that I do know is that I like the smell of food and therefore, I often smell it before I eat it. Is that so weird?!

4. I worry and worry and am convinced that I smell bad. I think about it when I am close to people and they turn their head away (even to blow their nose). I am sure I stink! I shower every day, I wear deo... yet, still I worry. Partly due to the fact that Cuddles convinced me to stop using anti-persperant due to the Alluminum content. I use deo, but I am sure it is not nearly as effective as the strong stuff in fighting the stink that I am.

5. I really like hand dryers in washrooms. I find the warmth 'soothing" (It's so soothing!). And when I am alone....when I'm all by myself... when no one is looking... I lift my shirt and let the warm air blow on my stomach. C'est vrai!

Ok, so I got 5... that's not bad. If any of you want to add #6 - please feel free... I can take it.

Did anyone learn anything new today?
1. weird
2. weird
3. weird
4. weird
5. weird

no surprises here (except maybe the dryer thing...), seeing as i was there upon conception and realization of said weird things. therefore i was going to post about you, and you me. now that plan is all ruined. i am distraught , for alas, there are no weird things to be told about me. (i k now you said it, but i said it first.)
i am, as it turns out, completely normal.
Ok OOTG, how about these weird things :

1. the obsessively clean house coupled with ability to wear clothes many days in a row (possibly with stains on them) - as I mentioned to you yesterday

2. The number of times you have talked about, and written in this blog about the C's penis. It's staggering!

3. The fact that I am not allowed to wipe your counter in your kitchen. Or eat cookies before dinner. Or before your birthday.

4. The infamous and forever encapsulated "O My God I Swallowed the Condom, the board game™". Where did you come up with this one? We will never know, but forever be grateful.

I will think of more for you but I can difinitely say with confidence that:

1. weird
2. weird
3. weird
4. weird

Therefore you are also weird ("Ok, you're weirwd"-Homestar).
ummm not so normal over here in this corner.
i guess i can confidently say that weird thing #5 is that i am still not dressed or showered and it is 9.30 and i am sitting at the computer. i will leave the rest of the visuals up to you.
have a good one, y'all.
hickteeth, great post. the dryer fetish is news to me too.

BTW, I was going to prepare trifle for your bday. Thanks for thwarting THAT plan! I also didn't know you don't use anti-persp (what kind BTW, I am trying to avoid AP too.. bring on the stink!)

I will find a #6 for you... but the truth is, the weird things about you are things I find so very cute, such as the way you eat.

Also, I find the ripped flowered dress you wear for housecleaning a little odd. But it's cute too.

The way you check your face with the little compact in the sunlight is damn cute.... but weird.

And OOTG, where do I start with OOTG.... ???

I think to sum it up, you are weird because you get progressively more and more racy and disgusting in your humour, drawing the rest of us into the spiral of shame, until we are so off the wall that normal Jewish lawyers and such can't stand to be in the same room as us.

perhaps that is collective weirdness.
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I was going to put the naked thing on OOTG's list and the totally forgot! haha! Well, there is is anyway, "in the flesh" so to speak.

Ms.Ms. - make the trifle! I just don't expect me to eat it. Or Not barf on it.

I am currently using "Adidas" brand Deo, because the really natural stuff, Tom's, made me really really smell. Or so I thought.

Unfortunately, the dress is now in the trash, I have a new shorts/t-shirt outfit that I always wear now. But I loved that cleaning dress. I think I'll pick up a new one when I'm in TO.

As for the little mirror. It's still going! How else can you check what you look like then in the sunlight? It tells ALL.

I think yer just being nice about the "it's cute" thing. Really you all find it strange and annoying. Admit it!

I noticed no one talking about Tali or Ms.Kay - are we "not going there"?
i hope OOTG isn't offended by the spiral of weirdness thing i posted about her sense of humour. that's another nice/weird thing about OOTG though, she never gets offended.

as for you Hickteeth... yeah, it's really annoying and strange.

just kidding!

as for Miss Kay. It's weird she never writes on the blog anymore. did she only ever write 2 posts??? That's weird!! Does she ever even read it? It would be weird if she read it but didn't comment!!

And as for Tali. She's the totally normalest girl on the scene. KIDDING! Her wall O' collectibles is a little funny (but don't get me wrong, i love them!) ... the sheer # of jeans and sweaters she owns and refuses to part with is odd. One thing I really like about Tali, is that you can always count on her to bring a bag of M+M's to the movies. MMMMMMMMM!!!!!
Hey Ms. Ms,

nice comments, but we're not going on about "what I like about" here.. the M+M's are good, but we're talking WEIRD.

The jeans are most definitely and assuredly weird. I have also noticed the jean store that is Tali's bedroom.
What else is weird about Tali? her cats. the wackiest lot I've ever seen!

And PLEASE let's not forget the top of the list for her... the LIP GLI!
If you think she has alot of jeans, well step aside Levi's. This girl has lip gli dating back to the early days of Bonnie Bell and Tinkerbell lip colour.
You could lose your hand in the bags of lip gloss she has! If you want to try it, chances are Tali will have it, in whatever shade you desire...

Isn't this FUN?

BTW - I wish you hadn't said M+M...now I need some. thanks ALOT.
one weird thing about you is the way you shorten or pluralize words: "Lip Gli" or "Slecho" ... no wait that wasn't you. It was funny anyway!!
"Slecho" was the first and foremost use of the more-than-one-word-in-one I'd ever heard! It started a worldwide trend!

Of course I can't think of any right now... but we did it ALOT at the time.

Yes, I like pluralizing things that have no real plural. glosses is just lame.

Like Peni - the plural of Penis
and Octupi.. wait I think that is a real one. nevermind.
i'm feeling blog-rejection. i posted a funny story about Aaron getting masturbated to at the gym and only one person commented. i really hoped it would generate a lot of comments. mind you, it's been posted for <24 hours.

this is a weird thing about me.... my craving for comments and need for approval.


i'm a totally conceited and needy.

"I just said the funniest thing!!"
speaking of my comment-ob-session, did you guys read my weird list? Cause, I can paste it on this blog too if you think it will generate more comments.
You really are a comment-whore. It's true. a
"commore" (like Come-More - haha)

Sometimes, when I think I've posted something really funny, but no one comments, I just go back to it and read it again and laugh at my own jokes.

It's kinda satisfying (kindafying)

Thank you, and commore!
man, i am reading these comments way after the fact, and let me say, you ladies still make my ass fart with laughter.
not to worry dear lezbos, i am cvertainly not offended that you think that i take our converstation to a different (perhaps we shall say, lower,) level. it is my pleasure to be the crude and disgusting one. i have worked hard on it over the years, and so i thank you fromt he bottom of my twat for this recognition.
THANK YOU! oh man! her COMPACT! yes! no one uses the compact like our zitless, yet paranoid hicky! given the zitsposion that is still going on herein i should really invest in one such item...
i thought of another weird thing for hick also: how she hangs her skirts... you see normal people would purchase hangers with little clips that hold the skirt onto the bar of the hanger. but hick? she folds the skirt in half and then flings it over the hanger bar. not so good for the creasing, darling.
(and the house dress? totoally weird.)
AND, to top things off, i thought about a few weird things that we used to all be guilty of.
1. stealing candels from restaurants. (me at 31 thinking: ??)
2. ok and those phone lines that used to exist before lavalife and IM? remeber those ladies?
3. and, here is one really for ms. ms., but we were all there at the scene of the crime: that new years photo of her where she is wearing the sombrero and is "popping" into the frame. just thinking about it i am in a complete fit of giggles here at the computer.
with this silliness i leave you. it is 10 and man, i am exhausted as it is more than an hour past my bedtime! (hi, wierd thing about me!)
(first have to call ms. ms. to confirm trifle recipe)
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